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Busy Times

Hello Again! As I sit here reflecting on the time that has past since my last blog post I can’t help but feel a little flabbergasted at how quickly time is flying by. It feels like yesterday that Lockdown started, and the year was still ahead of us. I have to admit that I was quite shocked yesterday to look at my calendar and discover that it was the 13th of September. SEPTEMBER people… How did that happen? And not to mention the fact that we seemed to have transitioned from winter to spring/summer in literally a week.

The purpose of this blog post was to act as a form of catch-up, to fill everyone in on what's been happening and what I'm doing. I very quickly realized that there isn't much to tell. I'm not sure how everyone else feels, but I kind of feel like the main character of The Truman Show, Truman Burbank. I get up every day, go to work ( well online Varsity in my case) and that's about it, I am tempted to greet my family by saying good afternoon, good evening, and goodnight all in one go just to have my bases covered. I have tried to spice up my life a bit by taking my dog for walks and am still obsessed with my adult coloring book. Some exciting news came in the form that with the introduction of level 2, we as final year students would be able to go back to campus for some of our face-to-face classes. I did find it ironic that when we were in level 5 lockdown, we were all desperate to go back to campus, and now given the opportunity to go back, we all avoid it like the plague.

Despite this, life and classes continue as normal. I have a countdown on my phone that lets me know how long I have to go until the end of my Undergrad degree, and at this point, there are just 69 days to go. I was discussing this with my mom last night (as you have gathered by now, we chat a lot) and it is crazy to think about how quickly 3 years have gone. Level 2 has also bought some welcomed social interaction, I have been able to see some friends, eat some delicious pancakes, and go out to dinner with the family, all in all, I think we are doing pretty well.

Stay Safe Everyone


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